Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Another Day...another sickness

Still sickness in the house. Poor Jake, he may not be sick but he is suffering for Grayson's illness. Today was parents/grandparents breakfast. Of course, I can't go with Grayson being ill and Jason, unfortunatly, had something going on at the plant. I think this weeekend I'll take him to breakfast just he and I. Not that it makes up for it and he is VERY understanding and concerned for his brother that his reply was "that's o.k. mommy Grayson is sick and we need to just make him better, there will be other breakfasts". I know that I am raising such sweet, caring and loving boys. They may be rambuctious and they may not be perfect as others expect them to be but they are mine and I love them just the way they are. There are times I have doubted myself as a parent and I know that there are those around me who have doubted me, but what I've learned these last 7 months being here in Missouri is that I am a good mom. I may jump the gun and I may get overly protective and freak out but that's me. I go with the philisopy I'd rather be safe than sorry. I know that am raising good, polite, caring, smart, energetic, creative, going to conquer the world, boys. They are a little spoiled, but so are other children whether parents admit it or not. When I see both of my boys (even as young as Grayson) kneeling down to ask another child what is wrong because they are crying, I know that I am doing something right. When both my boys don't let a day go by without hugging one another or myself or Jason I know they know they are loved and want to show that love back. When Jake is proud of himself for getting an A but not crying over getting a B I know that he knows all I expect his for him to do his best and when he knows he has done his best he is satisfied with that.
For those who may question me as a mom, I question you. I don't take time to worry about what another parent is doing or how they are raising their kids, if I did, I wouldn't be focused on my own and my kids deserve 100% of my focus. Not you.

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