Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

I had a really good mother's day this year, even though it was the first year I've never spent mother's day with my own mom, it was very enjoyable. We decided to drive to the Ozark's and go hiking. We stopped at a few parks, we hiked, we caught a minnow and two frogs. We stopped in a little town on the way home to eat dinner and as we continued driving we saw a little creek with a little bridge, something that looked fun to get out and maybe wade in a bit with the kids. The boys had a blast for about 15-20 minutes and then as Grayson and I were standing with Jason on a rock and Jake was off to the side splashing around Grayson says "wook, mama, a snake". Well, that did it. Jason cornered it in the water so I could get the boys out and we dried off and headed home! It was a fun and tiring day and a Mother's Day well spent with my hubby and kids!

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