Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Bad Mommy Days

Grayson is still fighting whatever sickness it is that he contracted last week. We are on day 4 of the 104 temperature, vomiting and constant diaper changing. I am going on little to no sleep and finding it hard to function each day more so just because I am filled with worry about my little man. I think that is one of the hardest parts of parenting...the worry. Two trips to an ER and the pediatrician and no "definate" answer and no explanation for the increase in the white count. We are due back at the pediatricians tomorrow if Grayson's fever continues through the night. Hopefully it subsides. I thought we were getting lucky today because it stayed at 100 most of the day but spiked back to over 103 by about 3:00 and now his right eye is pretty red and swollen. Anyway, for those keeping up with my blogs, please pray that this is just a bug and Grayson makes a speedy recovery. Lots of Love.

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