Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Are you kidding me??????

Well Jason left for Texas yesterday morning at 9:00 a.m. (we started missing him at 9:01). The day was a bit hectic and Grayson seemed to be more wound up than usual (if that possible) and when I picked Jake up from after school tutoring the teacher said "he is a little hyper today". I asked if he wanted to take both boys home for the evening because Grayson was hyper as well and if laughed and gave me a big fat no. I said well, I'm in for a long week because their daddy left this morning and I think that's why they are acting so hyper and he said "yah, good luck with that!" I really thought the evening was going to be a alot of chaos, bickering and me ending up with a migraine crying on the phone to Jason BUT it didn't turn out that way! Grayson fell asleep on the couch at 4:00 p.m. and I actually got to have an uninterrupted phone call, spend some quality time with Jake and eat in peace. I actually got concerned around 7:00 because he still wasn't up and by 7:30 I was thinking great he's going to be up all night long I should have woke him a long time ago but he was actually snoring when I went down there and didn't even bat an eyelash as I closed the windows and turned off the t.v. so I thought well...let's see if I can just put him to bed. I turned off all the lights, put Jake in my room (the boys always sleep with me while Jason is gone) and went downstairs to grab him. He never even stirred. He actually made a couple of kissing sounds but with his eyes closed. I layed him down and we all went to sleep. Around 1:00 he wanted a drink and I thought oh, he'll stay up but he took his drink of water and went back to sleep. The next time he awoke it was still dark so I figured it was probably 4:00 a.m. and I told him to lie back down. He growled at me and asked for a drink of water and as I got up and looked at the clock I couldn't beleive it was 6:15 a.m.! That stinker had slept over 14 hours even skipping dinner. Of course he ate a bag of minimuffins in about 1 minute. I figured maybe it was from all the running outside yesterday and so after we dropped Jake off I let him out back outside to play...maybe I'll get another 4:00 p.m. bedtime!

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