Friday, March 23, 2007

TGIF...or is it?

Jake stayed home from school today. I had a Dr. appointment for myself this morning so I knew it was already going to be a fun day. The doctor actually almost laughed at me because I was in there because I am "exhausted" and of course the boys were running all over etc...and she looked at them and then at me and said "I would be too!". But this is more than just the run of the mill exhaustion. I'm too tired to do anything. I go to sleep at 6:30 in the evening so she decides I probably need to have some blood work done and check some things. I find out those results on Monday. Jake had his appointment for the Dr. this afternoon. They have finally put him on some allergy medicine so let's hope this does the trick. The boys just seem to be so wild today. The guy Jason works with actually told Jason the other day that he, his wife and their 17-year old step-daughter were coming over tonight to watch the boys so Jason and I could go out...I sort of him-hawed about it because well I'd really like to go out with the hubby but I don't know this couple that well and so Jason had told him no to worry about it but they insist they are. I half hope they do show up because I surely could use an hour for me and Jason. So this was probably a boring blog but I sort of needed to get my bad day out of my system.

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