Wednesday, April 25, 2007

This is why I clean my bathrooms twice a week

So last night the boys are off to dreamland. We had a storm come through earlier but all looked well as the night progressed. I was ready to go to bed after talking to Jason when the phone rang again. Jason was calling to let me know that Chris (his employee) had phoned him and said their were funnel clouds in Festus (which is basically us). So I got the boys and headed downstairs and put them on our couch. Everything looked fine here but I called my friend Jen to let her know. She too thought it was odd because it was fine where we were. About five minutes later Jason calls again and this time he said the sirens were going off in Pevely (where he works about 6 minutes away). So I gather up our floor pillows and a few others and lots of blankets and head into the bathroom with the boys. His employee Chris calls, worried about me and the boys because things look bad out but still nothing here. He makes sure to tell me to call him if we need anything and he'll come right over (what a great guy). So I decide it's best just to sleep in the bathroom for the night. Of course it's not a huge bathroom and so we are all squished together my head practically on a toilet (thank god for my cleanliness because I had just cleaned the bathroom that day) and about 30 minutes later I had to go the bathroom. You would think out of convenience "well, I'm already there" but the thought of using that toilet that I am practically lying on was making me nauseaus so upstairs I went. I swear I hear a tornado (I tend to hear lots of things while Jason is gone including burglars, tornado's, bears etc.) We don't have to wonder where the boys get their imagination from. So, I check outside and all still looks fine. The bathroom was uncomfortable but I'll tell you the boys slept sound and did not stir once all night.

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